I have Microsoft Outlook and I send all my PDF attachments thru this email.
I have Microsoft Outlook and I send all my PDF attachments thru this email. Your October 2018 update no longer recognizes Outlook default that automatically sends an attachment to an email.
Now we must every time get diverted and click on attachment and continue to attach every single PDF in an email to Outlook. This creates a lot of work for no valid reason. EVERY user of Outlook is now going thru these extra steps for no valid reason. STOP IT.
I am surprised that Adobe management who probably use Microsoft Outlook have themselves not wondered why they are now going through these extra steps time after time after time to send PDF documents?
Why are we even having to write you to say fix it?

AdminPallavi Kothari (Admin, Adobe) commented
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Kindly have a look at the fix mentioned in https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/send-email-attachment.html.Thanks,