Set Time Zone for Adobe Document Cloud Reviews
When sending out a document for review via Adobe DC, an email is generated that notifies the recipient of the review. The email notification defaults to PST. Please include an Adobe Document Cloud Account Preference option that includes an option to set a time zone so the local time zone is accurate when deadlines are emailed to the recipient.
A time zone setting is available in the preferences for your signature settings but not for the document review.

Margaret Cavalier commented
This is still an issue in 2022 - would love to have it resolved so that the deadline function is actually usable!
Ana commented
I have had this same problem, and the deadline feature doesn't work unless your time zone is PDT. I spoke to Adobe's general customer service, to a specialist, and to a senior specialist, and none of them were able to fix this. The last person directed me here, which does not yet have an answer.
Rachel Moeller commented
We were hoping to use Adobe Acrobat to implement an office-wide review system, but we need to be able to set an accurate date/time for the review deadline. The time zone issue has proven to be problematic, and it has delayed our implementation (and our eventual purchase of additional Adobe licenses for other users in the office).