Bring back toolbars
Please bring back the multiple-row toolbars, this is such a step back in functionality!

Anonymous commented
I think the closest thing that DC provides to the old toolbars might be under View/Show-Hide, and then look for "Show Quick Tools". The problem is, there seems to be an annoying feature in that it remembers the last quick tool you used whenever you click on the icon. The icon is ... ( like Morse code). The first time you click on this icon, it drops down the set of tools that I selected for inclusion in my frequently used tools. The problem is, if you click on the icon and then change the zoom, the next time you click on the icon to do something else, the program adjusts the zoom again instead of causing the set of tools to drop down.
Ben commented
Didn't see this post earlier .... YES it is a HUGE step backwards ... Let us EXPAND the width of the toolbar so more icons fit on the main screen