Option to Hide Bookmarks Panel for all PDFs
Using: Acrobat Pro DC
Request: Ability to set a global setting that hides the bookmarks panel whenever a new PDF is opened, as opposed to having to navigate to the initial view settings for each file and then save it.
Reason: I open a lot of PDF files from emails, as I'm sure thousands of other people do, with no intention of saving it in that instance. Or files from the internet, again with no intention of saving it. This is to VIEW the file and find content relevant to the task in hand. Having the bookmarks panel occupy a third of the program window reduces the visibility and scale of the actual file.
This would seem to be basic user experience to me. Not everyone uses bookmarks either. It should be a preference setting available as standard - forcing the user to focus on a feature they don't even use and interrupting basic workflow is ridiculous design philosophy.

JACK commented
For anyone finding this now, this works for me:
go to cmd regedit (don't forget to backup the current registry)HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AcroExch.Document.DC\shell\Read\command
I changed (Default) from:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" "%1"
to:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" /A "navpanes=0" "%1
Z commented
Disappointing that Adobe Adobe has not responded. I still have issues with this.
NONE commented
Also would like to see this changed. for a paid program this is completely unacceptable for a user interface setting like this to be default. It appears that the option to turn it off in preferences is broken. Please fix before i cancel my subscription.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this is a huge issue in the engineering world. Everything has the bookmarks open and I cannot open every print/file to close the bookmark tab. I have at least set it to be as skinny as possible so it stays at that width when exiting (about an inch - it isn't as annoying), but it would be so much better to not be on at all.
Anonymous commented
I've gone in and changed the initial view AND tried 'unpinning' the bookmarks - this still only works on the one document at a time.
Please fix this, it is a huge time waster and ridiculous default to have. -
Ravi Gupta commented
If you have PDF with setting initial view as "Bookmarks Panel and Page" that might be the reason for having bookmark shown every time document is launched.You would have to change this setting.
Also, we have an option to "Restore last view settings" , this would restore the settings of last view. In case where we have both these set -up then preference to restore last view settings takes the priority.
See the attached snapshots.
You can use CTRL/CMD+K for preference dialog and CTRL/CMD+D for document properties. -
Sara commented
I agree!!! It is a pain in the butt. Adobe please make an option to hide this on opening. I'm in architecture and construction and have to open large plan sets in which each page is individual, having to close the Navigation Pane every single time I open a page is a PAIN.
Anonymous commented
Ravi Gupta gives an answer about unpinning bookmarks which I just tried. It is NOT universal, which is the point of this request. It only works for the document you are in. the next one opens with the bookmarks again!
Megan B commented
I hear you Simon. It is pain to close bookmark every single time! I want a global setting to unpin that silly bookmark pane >O<
Simon commented
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019.012.20035
No crashes or anything. This is more a functionality issue - I've seen others making the same point elsewhere about the bookmarks panel. The only option available is to set the properties for the individual PDF file, so it remembers the 'state' (in Properties>Navigation Tab), and save the file. But the point is, maybe you don't want to save the file, you just want to open dozens of PDFs to see something but the bookmarks panel is jutting out and taking up 1/3rd of the available window space.
Ravi Gupta commented
Can you share the build number you are using?
Do you observe crash every time you close the application? -
Simon commented
This only works for one instance when the file is open. If you close the file and reopen, or open another file, the panel reappears. That is why I made the request in the first place, because there is no setting to stop it from appearing by default every time you open a PDF
Ravi Gupta commented
Hi Simon,
Sorry to hear that you had trouble.
You can always hide the bookmarks panel for all the PDFs, here are the steps to do so -
1. Open a PDF
2. When the bookmarks panel is opened right click on the leftmost column
3. Select the option unpin bookmark
4. Now the panel will be unpinnedLet me know if you need any further info.
-Ravi Gupta