Splitting double pages in single pages
There should be an option to split all pages of a document in the middle. For example, when scanning books, a double page always equals one page in PDF. Cropping every page is very cumbersome
David Rizzo commented
I agree this was also my feature request. I need to spit the page 3 ways.
LK commented
100% Agree. It's a simple, useful function.
Why do I have to go to Sejda over and over (and even pay $$) to do this?
Anonymous commented
I can't agree more. Each quarter I have to crop upwards of 60 double pages into individual pages. These are documents that I create for printing (double sided, multiple pages) but then we need to email versions to guests that they can view in the correct order, as well as post to our website so they are viewable / printable in the correct order.
Joan Pachner commented
Please add this feature, which would be really useful.