able to edit and save read-only file
Bug found when editing PDFs. I was trying to edit a PDF file which was read-only, created by myself in Photoshop so I'm certain I had saved it as a read-only pdf. I tried editing it using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and was allowed to do so up until I tried to save the file. When I tried 'printing' it so I can export it as a pdf, it came up with an error "File not found. Check the filename and try again.". When I tried Saving as... it came up with "The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document with a different name or in a different folder.". I had checked and allowed folder permission to where I was saving it, I had all cloud syncing apps closed, etc. as suggested by forum users as to why I might be getting this message.
I understand since the file was read-only I should not have been able to edit it. So the first mistake I think I found was that I was indeed able to completely edit the file - from editing text, to moving objects and inserting images. It was only when I tried saving it that I was told it was read-only. Even though I wasted a lot of time editing it only to find out I can't save it, I get that I didn't have permission to edit the file.
However, the second bug I'm referring to is that I could actually save the file - I found a weird way around it. I could share the file for a review and then I entered my own email address (mind you, not the one I use for Creative Cloud). When I opened the file for review, I saw the edited version I had created and was then able to download it, fully edited, even though I only had read-only permissions. This is a way around editing read-only files, which I consider to be a bug. I create read-only pdfs for contract and other secure documents, and as a paying customer, I do not like to think my files are actually editable easily.