BUG: Acrobat PDFMaker 17 for Word: ignores "conversion settings" choice - fully documented
There seems to be a bug in "Acrobat PDFMaker 17 for Word" (which does not exist in "Acrobat PDFMaker 17 for PowerPoint). The chosen "Conversion Settings" doesn't work when working in Word as shown in the attached file (and I also show that things work properly when working in PowerPoint).
I found that copying my *.joboptions file to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 2017\Acrobat\Settings\Standard.joboptions" was a workaround, but obviously there is a bug that needs to be fixed.

Carl Benker commented
Some outcomes of this bug are:
1) you can't choose the compatibility level (PDF 1.5, 1.6. 1.7)
2) you can't choose how to handle fonts
3) you can't choose how to handle colors
4) converting Microsoft Word files to PDFs results in very blurry images because images are reduced to 150-pixels/inch