Cannot type anywhere and keyboard shortcuts do not work.
We have 19 windows 10 PC that have Adobe Reader and you cannot type anywhere. This includes the search filed, form fields, page range on printing, comments, etc. it is like the program is not accepting input from the keyboard because Ctrl + F does nothing but you can open the search by using the mouse and toolbars. You can paste into all of these fields by right click and paste but not Ctrl + V. The issue seams to be isolated to Windows 10 and the reader version. the Windows 7 machines that we have are not having the issue. On my windows 10 laptop I have both the full Acrobat and the reader. On the full version everything is fine but on the reader version it will not accept any keyboard input.

Andy Smith commented
also have this issue. thank you Jane for reminding me ShortKeys is not compatible with adobe reader.
Jane commented
It has been reported on this thread in the forums that the issue is resolved in Reader when ShortKeys is disabled. Edwards
Jeffrey Scheffel commented
Having the same issue, using windows 10 and cannot type into the find field
S3lvah commented
Windows 10 and same problem, for several weeks now. No issues on Windows 7 computer at work.
Please attend to this; it's made work very difficult and I'm likely going to switch to other software if there's no signs of it being fixed soon.
Jay commented
As above, I am unable to type anything into the Find or Search tools fields in Reader DC. I can click and place an I-bar cursor. I can highlight and copy text. But when I type on the keyboard, nothing appears in the Find or Search tools fields.I always have had the latest version - currently 19.012.20035 - Windows 10 Pro and Home, x64 - my Windows 7 machine is OK.