Synchronous scrolling of 2 pdfs
It would be very useful to be able to scroll 2 pdfs simultaneously as in office tools.
Best would be to be able to scroll side by side with the possibility to do it Synchronously or not (in case of different number of pages).

Steve Perkins commented
Tax firms really need synchronous scrolling with two open PDFs to review prior-year and current year. This would be a game-changer! Please add it.
Nicole Pedersen commented
This would be an essential tool for book publishing. Would need to be able to turn it on and off though (as synchronous scrolling in MS Word). Thank you!
Danielle Donley commented
This is such a time saver for those who review a large number of pdfs, which is very often in our line of work.
Megan commented
This is an extremely helpful tool when reviewing prior versions and updated versions of documents.
Shreya Bhattacharya commented
Hi Philippe,
Thanks for this suggestion. I would raise it within team to implement in upcoming releases. -
Merita Cole-Joseph commented
This feature is very important for someone who reviews tax returns. It makes it easier to compare prior year to current year returns as well as changes made between different versions.
John commented
Agree, the sync scrolling is a fantastic feature for users in a variety of fields who may wish to compare documents which would be expected to be similar in content, but not identical. The current "Compare" feature is powerful, but not appropriate in all cases. For example, reviewing a prior period and current period report/form. While the figures presented would be expected to change, thus making the compare feature useless, it would be helpful to scroll the two documents in sync and easily seeing the two answers side by side.
Jenny Wagner commented
The sync feature would create tremendous efficiencies reviewing multiple versions of a pdf vs clicking back and forth between them. Also, keeping only one instance of Adobe open at a time to do this would be very helpful as well.
Brandon Kravatz commented
Extremely important and helpful - Adobe please help us out!
Jay Baehman commented
I agree. My firm just switched from Bluebeam to Adobe. We use the software to review tax returns and we have the prior year and current year side by side. Since we changed to Adobe software we lost the ability to scroll both files at the same time. This is the single most important thing that I miss from Bluebeam.
Anonymous commented
Our organization recently made the move to Adobe Acrobat DC, with approximately 2,000 licenses purchased. We previously used Bluebeam Revu which has the ability to synchronize scrolling when reviewing two documents side-by-side. It would be incredibly valuable to our users if this feature were added to Adobe Acrobat DC as it is something we use frequently. Thank you!!
Info on this feature in Bluebeam available here ... this is what we need in Adobe!,automatically%20go%20to%20page%201. -
Stefan Gruenwedel commented
Acrobat should make it possible to synchronously scroll through two PDFs side by side. A professional editor mentioned this recently at an editorial conference. When he learned that I work at Adobe, this was the first thing he said — he really wants this feature!
There is a $40 plug-in that does this already ( but Acrobat should incorporate this functionality so users don’t have to rely on someone else’s script.
Ivy commented
Please add Synchronous Scrolling to Acrobat. We use PDFs to proof our InDesign documents. The Compare docs in Acrobat doesn't work because it eventually stop syncing and the pages are not side by side.
View tab> Select View Side by Side> Synchronous Scrolling
Anonymous commented
This guy developed a ($40) tool that can do this. Sounds neat, but I can't justify that cost for my purposes: