[BUG] Can no longer create outputintents
[BUG] Can no longer create outputintents.
OS: MacOS 10.15 (19A602)
Acrobat DC: Build: 19.21.20047.353337
Get the following error:
Fehler beim Speichern des Output Intent
Ursache: Standard library exception of type 'N5boost10filesystem16filesystemerrorE' caught.
Message: "boost::filesystem::permissions: No such file or directory"
DLGPREFSOUTPUTSetNameshort Neuer Output Intent 2
ICC-Profil-Pfad- und Dateiname /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ECI Offset 2009/ISOcoatedv2_eci.icc
ICC-Profilname ISO Coated v2 (ECI)
Registrierter Name (OutputConditionIdentifier) Custom
Registriert bei (URL)
Ausgabebedingung (OutputCondition) Custom

Admindeepakgu (Admin, Adobe) commented
This issue has been fixed in the latest Acrobat Build. Please check and let us know if you face any further issue. -
Priyanka commented
Thanks for sharing the information. We have raised a bug and forwarded it the development team. We will update you once the fix is available.
Priyanka -
camera commented
Hello thanks for the feedback.
1. As far as I know, I have had the problem only since MacOS 10.15.
2. This occurs both with new profiles and with new import of existing profiles. I once attached two profiles.I also made a video of the whole thing.
I can't see if my attachments have been transferred. Therefore I send them separately.
Priyanka commented
Thanks for reporting the issue. Can you please share more details to isolate it future:
1. Is this issue started happening after Mac 10.15 update or was seen on earlier version of Mac OS.
2. Is this error appearing on importing any 1 profile or happening with just any profile. If possible, please share 1 buggy icc profile with us.Regards,