Why is there an Edit Text & Images tool in Prepare Form?
In Prepare Form, why can't I use the Select Object Tool to select multiple fields with a marquee anymore? I've always used it in the past but every time I use it now, it automatically switches to Edit Text & Images, which I don't want it to do. This change supposed to be an "improvement" in the most recent update of Acrobat DC, but it has made my job both harder and take longer. Evidently, there's no way turn off Edit Text & Images when you're in Prepare Form, so you're just stuck editing fields without using a marquee to select. Adobe broke something that previously worked great. Edit Text & Images should be removed from Prepare form! Or at least have the choice of turning it off.

We have now added a new preference in Acrobat to enable/disable Text editing in PrepareForm app.
You can find this preference "Auto-enable text editing in Prepare Form" under Edit->Preferences-> Forms.
Please check attached screenshot. This preference is by default enabled.Latest Acrobat official update(on 12th May) is containing this preference.
This update will be automatically pushed to all existing installations of Acrobat.
If you want, you may also manually trigger the update by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.Thanks for your patience and support!
Gaurav Sharma -
Victor commented
Definitely not fixed. I'm on the newest version, and clicking any text field will automatically put me in Edit text and Images mode. I don't mind having the option there, but please remove the automatic switching or at least require a double or triple click.
Hi All,
Thanks for your time and patience on this, an optional update with the fix for the issue is available now for Windows & Mac 19.021.20049 Optional update, October 24, 2019
https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/ReleaseNotesDC/continuous/dccontinuousoct2019qfe.html#dccontinuousocttwentynineteenqfePlease install the latest patch from the help menu of Acrobat/Reader, select check for updates. Reboot the machine after installing the latest patch.
For detailed information about the latest patch, you may refer to the Release Notes.
https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/ReleaseNotesDC/index.htmlPlease let us know if you still experience any issues.
AJ Bullman commented
This is update is making my life/work a nightmare. Please fix it ASAP.