preferences>general dialogue box too large
When I go to change the preferences > general, the dialogue box is too large, and i cannot access the cancel or okay button. I either have to change my display resolution to make it show in its entirety on the screen, or i have to tab, tab, tab to 'hopefully' get to the button to select it, without seeing it. All other dialogue boxes to the other sections seem to resize perfectly, utilizing a second or third column of text, i.e.Preferences> Page Display. Fortunately, this issue with the General section seems to be the only one.

josik commented
I have a similar issue with the Edit->preferences window. The fonts come up looking odd. Note that the check boxes are tiny. Also, note that the Menu bar at the top where the word "Preferences" is located and the "x" to close the window are basically illegible. As Eddie mentioned the OK button is off the viewable page and the scroll bar is also tiny. lots of opportunity for design improvement on this page. thank you!
Dan S commented
Arpit Agrawal commented
HI Eddie,
Thanks for Reaching out to us. We have taken in Consideration this issue and our engineering team is working on the same. You can expect the solution in coming release from our side. Will keep you posted on the same