Hyperlinks Spanning Multiple Lines
Hyperlinks that span more than one line create multiple OBJR tags.
Reproduce: Create file in InDesign with links that span more than one line. Export to PDF/open with Acrobat. Find tag. Link will have two OBJR tags (or more if the link spans more than two lines). This is a bad experience for users of assistive technologies.
Sometimes manually fixing tags (deleting old links and creating new OBJR tag) isn't sufficient and designer has to resort to editing in the content pane or even using the Actual Text override to get the link to be read by assistive technology properly.
Please fix so that links that span multiple lines only have one tag.

As we checked on our side, this issue is related to the tagging functionality in InDesign. Please log the issue with them.
mally commented
I waste so much time deleting a second link (OBJR tag). Please add the feature that creates multi-line links as a single OBJR tag. Very much needed.
Dax Castro commented
This is a repeatable issue.See page three of the attached file. Any hyperlink that has more than one line just stacks <OBJR> tags based on how many lines the url takes up
<Link - OBJR>
<Link - OBJR>
<Link - OBJR>