Left align images in "Digitally Sign" signature
When using images as part of the "Appearance" of a Digital Signature, the image is scaled and centered which results in odd placement of the signature.
When there is only an image in the signature it is scaled to fit within the forms signature field/user defined rectangle and then it is centered.
It should be left justified (Or right depending on the region settings).
When there is an image with text, the signature is scaled to fit within half of the signature field/user defined rectangle and then it is centered on the left half. The image should take up only as much of the space that is needed on the left side of the signature, left justified, and then the remainder of the space on the right should be allocated to the text, which would be left justified to the image not the center of the signature field.
See the examples in the attached file.
Stefano Ilardi commented
Without this feature it is difficult to have the picture of the hand signature (when signing with certificates) match existing text entries like "HR department" in the document text so that it appears exactly above the existing text and not shifted sideways.