Signatures can not be verified (BUG)
We are currently experiencing a problematic issue concerning validating signatures in PDF files created with Adobe PRO. We are using a third party platform that places the signatures (3 signers) and its audittrail into the PDF with a Hash. All signings are placed succesfully but after i download the file again it will not validate the signatures because the file has been changed according to Adobe. This, however, is not the case and Foxit PDF does succesfully validate the signatures. After some research we have learned that Adobe registers a change between the placing the last signature and the time stamp. This is one single action so this is simply not possible. We have contacted our PDF rendering company and they have discovered that this is most likely a bug in your software or it is expecting different and or more information in the hash file. We however can not find what that is. This issue has emerged since your most rescent Adobe PRO release.This problem does not occur when we print a file (docx. for example) to PDF. This issue ONLY happens when we use Adobe PRO and not when we use Acrobat Reader.