'Apply' blue ribbon [to apply redactions] prompts errors and greatly detracts from the product
The blue ribbon that prompts me to apply unapplied redactions is a major inconvenience. (See: Adobe Acrobat blue ribbon.PNG)
I use Adobe Acrobat to redact information from large documents. I can spend weeks assessing and redcating the same document. I do not apply the redactions until I am finished, because:
1/ I need to be able to refer to content that is being redacted throughout the assessment process.
2/ I need to keep a copy of the document with unapplied redactions.
3/ Sometimes I need to be able to undo previously made redactions.
Prompting me to apply redactions when I am not ready to do so increases the risk of prematurely applying redactions. This means I need to keep backup copies of documents I am working on and regularly update them.
This is a huge waste of time and greatly detracts from my experience of using your product. But not as much of a waste of time as it would be if I actually followed the prompt and prematurely applied the redactions in a moment of lapsed concentration.
Also problematic is the fact we are prompted to apply redactions when we save documents. (See: Apply and save.PNG) For the very same reason.
Please remove these features, or at the very least make them optional.