Link to a specific page in a PDF on my filesystem
Create external links to specific pages in PDF files on my file system, such that directory shortcuts or external links from other programs can be made.
For example, individual external links to bookmarks
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PaperTec commented
Took a long time to get this solution.
1) create a shortcut to any file.
2) open the shortcut properties and change the target to "C:\Program Files\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" /A "page=17\OpenActions" "C:\Library\my-book.pdf"adjust the page number to your desired number, and the target pdf to your refered file.
Ensure that you retain all the parentheses as above.
Happy filing!
Ron Paschke commented
This is urgently needed. Opening on the first page of a large pdf is useless if you really need to be on page 3245.
Wouter Klein commented
I agree with PaperTec's example 1. I use hyperlinks in an Excel file to link to multiple pdf files in a local folder on my drive, but I would like some of these hyperlinks to open a specific page of a pdf, instead of the first page. Now, this seems to be possible only when the pdf files are accessed online (e.g. intranet) using macros/VBA code in Excel. However, I want to use hyperlinks in Excel for a personalized collection of pdf files, which are not online but on a local drive.
PaperTec commented
two examples
1) active link to a pdf book page from Word or Powerpoint
2) shortcut to pdf book page from windows ExplorerThanks in anticipation
PaperTec commented
Two examples.
1) create a link from a Word or Powerpoint document to a specific page in a pdf book
2) create a shortcut in windows explorer to a specific page in a pdf bookThanks
Anonymous commented
Sending to my email?
Anonymous commented
For Dee Dee to print