Pre-Made Standard Stamp for Plaintiff's Exhibits
There needs to be a Standard Business stamp for lawyers. It should mimic the Exhibit labels we must use on documents that will become exhibits at trial. Most documents come to us now in digital form. It makes no sense to print them onto paper, place an Exhibit sticker on them, and then scan them back for submission to the court. We ought to be able to digitally put a stick on them from the Standard Stamp file, and then enter an exhibit number on each one. (Your Bates Stamp feature does this beautifully. Wish there were exhibit labels set up the same way.) Plaintiff's stamps should be yellow. Also, some labels say "Plaintiff's Exhibits ID" meaning they are for Identification only. So it would be nice to have the option to add ID onto the label, or else have a separate stamp for that. Here are some samples of exhibit labels at Amazon. I am hoping for the yellow plaintiff's stickers that are shown. Hope the link works.
Anonymous commented
Having 37 years in the legal field as a litigation paralegal, I would have made great use of this idea! It’s tedious and time consuming to peel labels, stick them, and running out last minute was the very bane of my existence! So happy someone Was diligent enough to think this out and make this suggestion!
Anonymous commented
About time! What happened to the old ones???