Scale Ratio Rounds to 2 Decimal Places
The scale ratio requires you to input decimals rather than fractions when measuring architectural scales, i.e. 0.125" = 1'-0" for 1/8" = 1'-0". However, after inputting the decimals, Acrobat rounds to the nearest 2 decimal places. So 0.125" becomes 0.13". Doing so makes all measurements off by .005". This is unacceptable in the architectural world. This functionality should NEVER round the decimals, and should house at least 3 decimal places to ensure accuracy.
This occurs on Mac and Windows, in every version of Acrobat and Acrobat Pro currently downloadable. It was tested by my team and internally at Adobe.
Adminabhisi (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi John,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
This is a designed behaviour. We will look into this if anymore customer report the same issue.Thanks,
Abhishek Ranjan Singh