Allow more than one adobe User ID to login
Currently, if you have more than one Adobe account (for instance, one for work use and one for personal use), you have to sign out/in of each account before using the application. This process is already daunting, as it just shuts down if you do not already have an account - the only fix I've found is to pretend like you are going to buy the product, at which point you can finally switch the user ID. You then have to log out of one User ID in order to login to the other User ID to use the other product. Doing so logs you out of the previous User ID, so when you use the other product, you have to go through this whole process again.
For instance, the company I work for uses Adobe DC Pro for our work projects, so I have to use the account that they have paid for under the company's account. I also have my own Adobe account for using photoshop for my side-gig of doing freelance work. I need to keep these two accounts separate for tax purposes (as well as maintaining professionalism). But any time I want to use one account or the other, I have to go through the whole process described above to switch users... it gets very frustrating every time.
If we could login to more than one account at a time (somewhat like google), it would fix this problem.