Acrobat (and all derivative applications) should have a file Refresh/Reload command & shortcut
Acrobat (and all its derivatives & applications) desperately need a "Reload" or "Refresh" command for the currently selected .PDF document. Not only may the document have changed without notice on the server without a semaphore lock on the file, but also Acrobat applications can and do frequently run into some kind of file reading problem, such as temporarily disconnected server, timed-out internet connection, corrupted connection, or not enough memory at the moment.
Who knows why these issues weren't accounted for in Acrobat's development, but because of these issues, it seems very short-sighted from the development side to not have included a simple way to refresh/reload the currently selected document.
Further, the 'recent files' list does not seem to update to include the currently selected file when such an issue occurs; so, it's doubly frustrating because the user can not simply close & reload the file from the 'recent files' list -- instead, the user often has to go through the potentially long file locating navigation process all over again.
Please add a File>>Reload/Refresh command with a hot-key shortcut.
BrooksL commented
Further, Acrobat should be configurable to load a file in one of several modes:
1) Read-Only buffered mode so that it may be fully buffered and not place a semaphore lock on the original file;
2) Buffered Edit mode whereby the file may be edited 'in memory' without placing a semaphore lock on the original file;
3) Locked Edit mode whereby the original file is locked with a semaphore so that other users or applications can not readily take ownership of the file while being edited.The File>>Refresh/Reload command is useful here in modes 1 & 2 incase there have been recent updates from other users/applications since the file was first loaded.