BUG: I wish I could use Acrobat without the need to uninstall/reinstall every few days (Very annoying)
You have a BUG in your code that makes it so that I have to keep authorizing and removing seats (even though it's all from one single computer). I get stuck in a loop where Acrobat shuts down and I am unable to view/edit PDF's.
This is very very annoying, and so far the only short-term solution has been to uninstall/reinstall Acrobat, which gives me a few days of reprieve, until the process starts happening all over again.
I end up uninstalling/reinstalling Acrobat on a regular basis just to use Acrobat. I wish it did not have this "feature"
I would expect that I only need to authorize my one computer once. Once it sees that I am on the same computer (name) already authorized, it should not interrupt my workflow at all.
I am using Windows 10, and because my only fix is to uninstall/reinstall, I assume I'm always running the latest version.
Please fix this BUG. I shouldn't have to get VOTES to fix a bug.