Issue: Moving fields that are partially or entirely offscreen recenters on top left corner of bottom-rightmost field in selected group
Say I have a 2x2 table of fields:
A1 A2
B1 B2
I've lassoed all four fields and have zoomed in so that only A1 and B1 are visible. I grab A1 and move it to the desired location. Immediately after I release A1, the view recenters on A2.
The relocation/recentering doesn't appear to be consistent but I haven't identified all the variables. It seems to mainly happen when fields that are selected but already offscreen (due to zoom level) are moved with the field that has been grabbed. It doesn't seem to happen if I move a group, where all fields are fully visible, to where they are partially offscreen, but, once I move that group again, the view will recenter again.
It tends to favor recentering on the bottom right field in the group of selected field, but I have not confirmed with certainty. The issue does not seem to require that the fields are aligned into a table as in my example.
Expected result: the same field that was "grabbed" by the mouse cursor is the one that remains in view
Appears to have started with the Feb 16 2021 update.
Acrobat Pro DC
Originally seen on Continuous release version 2021.001.20138
This issue persists with a brand new installation, Continuous Release version 2022.001.20085.

Ali don123 commented
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