Keep form fields editable after signing
I have a form that must be approved by different departments of my organization in six different steps. In each step, someone must fill form fields, and add a signature, then send to the next department. Acrobat currently locks the form fields from being edited further after a signature is added in the "fill and sign" tool. Someone complained about this in 2017 and it was still not fixed.
After adding a signature using the fill and sign tool (I do not use certificate based signatures due to complexity), the document should remain editable, and all fillable form field and drop downs should remain editable.
If I fill fields, it does not lock the document, but as soon as the signature is added and you hit save, all fields are no longer fillable.
Also, certificate based signatures are way too complex and should be deprecated or discouraged except in niche cases.
Thanks for providing your feedback. This is an AsDesigned feature and currently we do not have any change in functionality planned for the future.
Sandeep Grover