Condition fields related to radio button in Acrobat DC fillable
I use Acrobat DC fillable to sent to clients a form via AdobeSign with all my section prefill with format, check boxes, and radio buttons but I’m having a hard time with condition fields. For instance, I have a radio button with choices “Yes” or “No” and a field that has to be filled only if the answer is “Yes”. I have no problem setting it up when in the AdobeSign fillable page (just before sending) but I would like to be able to prefill it in Acrobat DC fillable PDF so it already have this condition set up.
Please add a condtion tab in properties or I know there is some ways to set up a date format by entering for instance : date:format(date,"dd-mm-yyyy") in the "Name” field in field properties so maybe there would be a way to do the same thing with condition (exemple : condition:show:any:field=choice1 or something like that.