Give me back a real menu -- where is "OPEN" or "SAVE AS" or....?
Man. This sucks. Somehow I got 5 PDFs open in one Acrobat window. They are all lined up as tabs. That's cool.
Now I want to "SAVE AS" ... there's no file menu available anywhere. All I can see is "CONVERT, SIGN, MORE" at the top bar.
Hitting the HOME icon takes me to an indecipherable mish-mash of options to add comments, open recent documents (which duh are already open) or look at "Starred" files. (huh?) Oh, and the side menu now has a bunch of "cloud storage" options (which are useless... I just want to save the open file as a new name.
So I gave up.... tried to open another file.... same problem. Where the **** is the OPEN FILE menu option? Christ. Puhleeeze give me back a standard windows menu interface.