Bug: Problem when adding signature image in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v22
We have installed Adobe Acrobat Pro DC on all our user machines.
For the people with a license we let them log in so they can use the Pro features.
For the people without a license we let them use this version as a Reader.
This worked out great, but now we found out a bug.
With Adobe Acrobat Pro DC when adding a signature image I go to "E-Sign" > "Fill & Sign Yourself" > "Sign" > "Add Signature" > "Image" > Browse to the image signature (.PNG) > Click OK
And we receive a warning "You do not have access to this feature. Please contact your IT admin for more details." (Mind you that this is a FREE feature). When you click OK, you can still continue and add the signature to the document. But the signature is not being converted to one with a transparant background. See example:
I went ahead and installed Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and did the same thing. "Sign" > "Fill & Sign" > "Sign yourself" > "Add Signature" > "Image" > Browse to the image signature (.PNG) > Click OK.
Now I (ofcourse) received no warning since this is already the free version, but more importantly, the signature image is correctly converted to a true signature stamp with a transparent background. See example:
This is in my opinion a real bug and should be fixed. The only solution now is to install the Reader version for all our users.. This would be a bummer since Adobe told we could use the Pro without signing in and be able to use the non premium features.