Create a way to opt out of "new tools" notifications/ tips / contextual pop-ups
Added to the many annoying notifications/ tips / contextual pop-ups/ advertising messages that Adobe has recently built in to Acrobat are notifications about "New Tools", whether in the quick access tool panel, on the application home page, or when viewing my online account/ profile at
It appears to be some kind of "tour" of new features that is commonly used in other products, but (1) most of the places this notification appears will NOT trigger a tour when you click on it (it just opens the 'All Tools' menu), and (2) there is NO way to opt-out of it.
In other products, these notifications will shut off after the user has scrolled through the list of new items ONCE or has opted out of taking the tour. Adobe provides no such functioning option. (There are places on the profile/ account page where you can either click "skip tour" but that does not stop the notifications appearing elsewhere or can "opt out" of new product notifications with no actual impact on the influx of notifications ... which, now that I think of it, doesn't sound very GDPR-compliant, either!)
It is time that Adobe provides an actual, functioning (and data-privacy-compliant!) way to opt out.