What is the advantage of setting Acrobat Language to Arabic?!
I'm copying below from my post on the Adobe Community forum…
Since Acrobat Pro had services on the cloud and was named Document Cloud back in 2015, we mostly tell our staff and clients using Acrobat to avoid setting the Language to "English يدعم العربية", meaning don't set your Acrobat to Arabic as seen in the screenshot below, we rather tell all users to change the Language to English so we can all enjoy cloud services such as E-sign, sharing files, and Fill & Sign.
Acroabt-Language-settings.jpgexpand image
On this Adobe forums, I read quite a few complaints about some Acrobat features failing to run or perform as intended, just to discover user's Acrobat Language was set to Arabic, hence when the Language is switched to English, Acrobat will run and perform properly.
My question to Acrobat Development Team is when do we need to change the Language to Arabic, and why is this option even there in the first place?
I'm an Arabic-speaking person, I'm an Adobe technical support working in the Middle East for the Adobe distributor. I personally suffered from this issue back in 2015 when my Acrobat was set to Arabic, and only when I changed to English, Acrobat ran well.
Moreover, I intentionally kept my Acrobat setting as Arabic for few weeks last year to test the possibility of solving issues facing Arab users with Arabic content, and yet nothing changed, regardless of whether Acrobat is set to English or Arabic, the same issues stayed there when handling Arabic content PDF such as Arabic OCR, Editing, backwards converting a PDF to MS. Word… etc.
Just searching this Acrobat forum for English / Arabic, and you will see non-Arab users complaining that some features in Acrobat failing, just to find setting Acrobat Language to English يدعم العربية is the cause..
I need someone to enlighten me, of what is this option English يدعم العربية is doing here and what are the advantages of choosing it - if any.