The new UI is no good at all.
I have used Acrobat for many, many years and this update to the UI is very frustrating. I don't really know why it is confusing, but it is. I don't see why the Tools needed to be grouped into tiny icons in a constant, annoying side-bar, they were much easier to pick and use (especially for newbies who I may teach to use the software in our office) when they were on their own tab, with the smaller handy icons on the right being useful once you understood each tool. It was what made Acrobat the preferred software against other PDF software.
I use the Measuring Tool a lot. Before there were 3 simple icons added along the top bar (same as most tools), but now I have a large, unnecessary window pane all the way down the left side of the page which is very annoying. I mark up Architectural Designs and now I have an ugly side bar taking up valuable Monitor space, which means my pdf and mark up area is smaller to work with.
Commenting using shapes, lines, arrows and callouts was neat and tidy before, with all tools clearly shown along the top bar and very easy to find, now they are in drop downs at the left and I am still struggling to find the square, circle and arrow tools, with an extra click to get to each one! I had a colleague give up the other day when I asked him to mark up a PDF for me because he doesn't use the software every day and was really struggling to find the right tools.
Please, for the love of god, switch it back to the old UI. The simple User Interface is what made Acrobat the best PDF software out there! You had nailed it, and now you've just gone backwards.
In my attachments, why would you feel the need to put the green marked toolsets along the top which are very clear and easy to access, into a large unnecessary pane on the left with awkward drop downs? It makes no sense to me.
ALSO, why would you make it harder to find the page scrolling tools? Now down in the bottom right and trying to find "Fit One Full Page" yesterday was driving me crazy.
Sort it out Adobe, really disappointing updates. Don't try and fix what isn't broken!

AdminBhawna Arora (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Rik T,
Thanks for your invaluable feedback. We regret for the inconvenience caused.
Though, to note here is New acrobat has all menu items aligned in Left hand panel and similar pattern is being followed for Measure tool too.
For your quick solution, we have a workaround which might help you. You can customize your Quick tools and add Measure tool in the same. Please refer to the attachment for quick reference.
Also, you can quickly access shapes for access from the Quick tool bar.
Hope that helps.