New Toolbar Suggestion
Former versions of Acrobat (I believe versions 10 and below), prior to Acrobat DC, had the capability of showing tools on two rows at the top of the document pane and suggest consideration for returning to that type of user interface.
The lack of colorization of icons in DC, the basic shapes and the inability to show nearly all tools in the toolbar makes it very difficult and time consuming to edit and markup documents. Detailed, colorized tool icons of old, combined with the ability of truly customizable, multiple toolbars would make Acrobat much more productive.
Is there any way to add a second and possibly third row to the tool bar or some way to show nearly all the tools while working on a document? The productivity gain from the proposed extra toolbars would seemingly offset any loss of screen "real estate" for document viewing/editing.
Please see the attached screenshot, as a reference to older versions of Acrobat that had the option for two-row toolbars and detailed, colorized tool icons.

Eddie Deighton commented
This makes total sense. The current iteration is awful, with vague, nondescript icons that I have to roll over to work out what they’re actually for. The separate Tool tab is pointless. Tabs are for accessing open projects, not for clicking on for your Tools.
Lucian IV commented
A single row for icons, AND the ability to make the "small", but greyed out so you can't use it, is a time saver for all of us that regularly use this program.
Even if you folks at Adobe do not agree with this, you should still provide it as an option for those of who do want this older "customizable" feature.
Please add it back in! -
aquaticalchemist_42 commented
I vociferously agree.