Numbers in Arabic
No matter which dictionanry I choose, or which preferences I set, it ALWAYS goes back to Arabic when I close and reopen Acrobat.
When I try to edit a document or fill in a form, all the numbers are displayed in Arabic and I cannot change them into their European equivalent.
I have been prompted for weeks to try the new form feature - well, as long as I have to deal with numbers in a non-European format, this feature does not do anything for me.
The edited part of the document enclosed is highlighted.
Sabine Lammersdorf commented
Thanks, but that does not help very much when filling in a form or editing tables, numbering chapters or sections, etc. when all that addresses NON-Arabic speakers.
Manisha Bansal commented
٠ - Zero
١ - One
٢ - Two
٣ - Three
٤ - Four
٥ - Five
٦ - Six
٧ - Seven
٨ - Eight
٩ - Nine