Make text boxes, callout boxes, drawing tools not sticky
All out comments are done with text boxes, text callout boxes, lines and arrows (as opposed to the sticky-note style comment). When we select any of those tools, they stay selected, i.e. when I draw a callout box and type, then click off of it, all I do is create yet another callout box. I have to click the arrow at the top of that pane to deselect it, then click AGAIN to manually move or resize my box. Previous Adobe version, did not "stick" when I selected a text box or callout box or an arrow or line from drawing tools. Now it does, and boy is it a problem.

Joanna Bell commented
In fact, before you tell me to add the pin tool to my floating tool strip, Prashant, here is the screenshot of me trying to do exactly that. I can add that pin all day long and save, but it never shows up in my strip. The other tools I added have stayed there, but the pin will not. Please see screenshot.
Joanna Bell commented
Prashant, that's not what my floating tool strip looks like, there is no pin. I am using the new version of Adobe. I do not have this problem with the previous version. Please see my attachment.
Prashant . commented
Hi Joanna,
Thank you for sharing the issue.
We made this change few releases back to make multiple times use of a single tool easier.
In case you do not want the tool to be selected, you can unselect the tool by clicking on the pin tool option in quick tools.
This will be a one time activity, which means if you deselect it, it will remain deselected until you pin it again manually.
I'm attaching two screenshot of pin tool, one in selected state and one in deselected state.
Hope this helps.
Thanks. -
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