Regarding case ADB-35924396-K4P5 - Adobe Acrobat Pro issues
Regarding case ADB-35924396-K4P5 - Adobe Acrobat Pro issues
There are several issues that are intermittent. I am working in the web version because almost all the files I need to work with are in shared folders on Google Drive, therefore not accessible in adobe's desktop connection to My Drive.
Mac OS Sonoma 14.5, MacBook Air, Google Drive, Acrobat Pro and using the extension within Chrome.
Issues are all about Adobe stalling. Often enough that I gave in and called support but not at all times.
a. using "Open With" from Google Drive on Google Doc and file never opens.
If I "Open With" Preview, the file opens immediately. If I click on the file and open as Google Doc, I can then print as PDF or download as PDF but then I have to upload the PDF back to Google Drive so this adds at many wasted moments.
b. Using adobe for e-sign. Open with Adobe (and if this works), click on convert to PDF, and have the circle go to about 90%, then fails
c. Using existing PDF and trying to split. Selected the file, opened in adobe, selected the organize page option, then the split option. Hover between pages to split and identify the new sections. Click continue - eventually a message returns "something went wrong" - totally unhelpful help message with no analysis of why it did not work.
d. Using combine files. Everything is already in PDF. Select files by adding and then click combine. Once again, files stall.
What I have learned - if the file has certain special characters in the name such as "/", the files will cause a failure on combine.
None of the issues considered by security were true of the documents that failed. i.e. no special characters, not corrupted files, no security restrictions on the files in google drive, extension was active, internet was connected.