signature appearance
Since last update of Adobe Acrobat Std/Pro, our engineers are not able to sign drawings cause now a predifined rectangle appears which is way too large. People have to sign at the right side of the drawings (DIN A0) with a very small rectangle. You have now to place the new predefined rectangle where top left corner have to fit with top left corner of drawing field. Therefor, you have to zoom out the document to be able to place the rectangle. That way, it's hard to see if you sign the right field at the drawing. Signing hundreds of drawing is a nightmare now.
Please return to old way, where you can define the rectangle by yourself .... or build in a switch to return to old way ... or give us the chance to change the size of predifined rectangle somewhere in "Preferences".
Workaround suggested by support to downgrade the version for all our machines is not an option.

Marco Volkert commented
Many thanks for the fix. Works for us ... for now.
Admincdas (Admin, Adobe) commented
Dear user,
Thank you for reporting the issue.
We have recently introduced a change in the way the draw rectangle could be placed on the document.
Please click on Digitally Sign. Move the rectangle to desired position without clicking . Once you reach the spot, click and drag the rectangle to desired size. Leave mouse click and the draw box will be placed.To go back to old behavior for this would be to set a registry key through Registry Editor . Close Acrobat. Open Registry Edit. Please go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER ->SOFTWARE ->Adobe ->Adobe Acrobat ->DC ->Security ->cDigSig
Create key bModernTool (REG_DWORD) and set it to 0. This would revert to old draw rectangle functionality.Please let me know in case you face any issue.
Thanks and regards,