Bug report: export to jpeg does not work. never has. Windows 10.
Expect it to generate jpeg file on export or save as with jpeg filetype. It doesn't generate anything but doesn't give an error message.

Acrobat 8.1 is no longer supported. Please upgrade to the latest version.
You can follow the instructions on page https://acrobat.adobe.com/in/en/free-trial-download.html to install and use the 7 day trial version of Acrobat DC.
Anonymous commented
I am using acrobat pro 8.1 on windows10 and it does not work with all pdf files
Anonymous commented
cannot export all pdf to jpeg or to any other format, I am using windows 10
AdminGirija Agarwala (Admin, Adobe) commented
We apologize for the issue you are facing.
Could you please share the following information with us:
1. The Acrobat dot version you are using
2. The OS platform you are on
3. The pdf file with which you are facing the problemThanks and Regards,
Girija Agarwala
Software Engineer II
Adobe Systems