tool bar customization
Provide option to disable the page controls that are at bottom of page on auto-hide. It blocks document content and is distracting.

Could you please try another way to hide the Floating HUD page controls. do this
1) Launch any PDF (and observe that floating HUD page controls is visible)
2) Go to View- > Show Hide -> Page Controls -> "Hide Page Controls" and select itthis should fix the thing for you.
Let me know if that doesn't help
s commented
Thank you for the reply, but that does not fix the issue. The "move pate controls into toolbar" button is gray and unresponsive.
Thanks for Using Adobe Acrobat. If you are talking about the Rectangular Black Toolbar(Heads-up Display (HUD) ) that comes up on hovering at the bottom of the pdf, then i would like to let you know that it can be docked in
the Top toolbar using the last option available on that which reads, "Move Page controls into Toolbar".
Just click on that icon and the Floating HUD will not appear for you when you are working on your document.Let me know if that fixes your concerns.