make duplicate digital signature fields
Whenever a digital signature field is added, we do not get the option to duplicate it. This would be very helpful in cases where same person has to sign on multiple pages in a document.
At present, it is giving the option to duplicate across pages, however, it is not working nor it is giving any error message.
Please include this feature in Acrobat, or grey out the duplicate across pages option.

Hi Ashutosh,
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, this looks like a bug. Can you please let us know which Acrobat version you are on?
Carolyn H commented
I have Adobe 1.6 (Acrobat 7.x), Acrobat Distiller 23.0 (Windows). I have a 14 page long document which needs to have a signature on ALL PAGES. I cannot get the "duplicate signature" box to work.
I prepared a form, deleted all the unneeded fields that were created. Then I input a signature block on the first page, selected w/ arrow tool and right clicked "duplicate across pages". Because I need every page to have a date on it so when it's printed people know if they have an old copy! CRITICAL.
Anonymous commented
I have the same issue. I have many documents that require multiple signatures in the same location, and I have to place them all one by one. It would be great if this were repaired.
L Peterson commented
yep same issue. Can't duplicate e-sigs across pages.
Casey commented
I have this same issue. The option to Duplicate across pages is there but it does nothing for digital signatures. It works fine for all other fields. I was having this problem with Acrobat 11 so I downloaded the trial version of DC and got the same results. I recently found some software that does duplicate the DS field across pages but I shouldn't have to use it if Acrobat has this feature built in. It is not working nor it is giving any error message.