"Edit any PDF"
Please stop sending out emails that say it is quick and easy to edit a PDF without qualifying what is possible and what the consequences are. I have several clients who now think it is possible to edit PDFs, but the reality is that it is NOT possible to do so professionally.
The end result of clients editing PDFs is that version control is lost from the original files that generated the PDF, artwork needs to be recreated to match the edited PDF and because there appears to be no way of tracking what the client has changed, the clients then need to re-proof the entire document. The clients are also unable to make any form of accurate edits as they don't generally have the correct fonts available.
Edited PDFs are unsuitable/unreliable for sending to a printer for offset printing. You are unable to edit a PDF without spacing and alignments getting messed up and you simply do not have enough control to maintain anything other then the most basic layout.
It is reckless, unprofessional and incredibly frustrating that you continue to send emails out encouraging people to edit PDFs. It is costing people a lot of time and incurring unnecessary costs to fix files when someone edits a PDF.
Until you have the technology to make this feasible could you please stop claiming that editing PDFs is a good idea, or to be encouraged.
it is NEVER a good idea to edit a PDF. A PDF is simply a format for delivering the final document. It should never be treated as a live file to be worked on.

Thanks for your feedback.
We will try to improve on editing PDF in upcoming releases.
Thanks for your patience.