Show page numbers in advanced search results
Problem: When doing an Advanced Search, in order to find out the page number of any given search result, you must hover the pointer over each individual search hit and wait for a popup of its page number to appear.
Feature request: Show the page numbers on which those hits occur, and preferably in a column to the left of each search hit.
Reason it's needed: This would save a tremendous amount of time for certain labor intensive tasks, for instance, manually indexing a book. To elaborate a bit: When manually indexing a large book (say, 500 pages), you regularly need to index terms that have a couple hundred occurrences. Currently, when confronted with such a large list, you either (1) have to hover over each entry individually to find its page number or (2) you have to click on the entry and watch where the document jumps to. Neither of these is very efficient. It would be far more efficient if you could just see the page numbers at a glance to the side of the search results. This would let you see at a glance that, for instance, the next 50 occurrences of a given index keyword occur over, say, just 6 consecutive pages. This would let you make short work of a large list--you would just take note of the page the range and move on, thereby saving you the time of having to hover over or click on those 50 entries (or some significant portion thereof).

Hi Tim
We have shared your concern with the team and we will look into this.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Christina Segovia Crosland commented
Yes, please! Honestly, why is this not already a thing? It's been 4 years now since this request was put it. I'm needing this for the exact reason that this user described--trying to check index accuracy, which would be SO EASY if the advanced search just listed the page number next to the result. PLEASE make this happen!
Anonymous commented
I agree - must be easy to fix this.
Anonymous commented
I need exactly the same feature, also for making an index, it would be great if this would be developed!