The ability to drag and drop and reorder portfolios
Would be great to be able edit the portfolios files layout once saved and move the files around or change the order by dragging them to where you want it rather then by the choices provided I think it was called freeform or something like that. I use to be able to do this with Adobe X, with DC I can't. Really am not liking the latest version of Adobe, wish I could go back to my old version.

Thanks for raising your concern.
We noted down this issue in our database, will keep you posted.
Matt Taylor commented
It's 2/15/2022 and I am still unable to drag and drop my previously saved PDF Portfolio in DC.
Please comment with an updated fix or steps therein.
noneya commented
Still not working as on 3/31/21. This is ridiculous. Please fix asap. @
Tanvi Rastogi -
Paul Rollmann commented
I agree with anonymous. Was forced out of Adobe pro 9. AM hating DC. Seems like the simplest things are so difficult or not possible. Like moving a page into a different order inside of a porfolio. Also wish I could scroll through all the pages.. this seems so remedial, I must have a setting wrong. But after searching and trying.. can't find how to scroll from page 1 to page 2 or any page for that matter.. without going over to click that page in the side bar
reception commented
Amazing that you continually charge more for new versions, then provide LESS.
FIX THIS ISSUE. Drag and drop is an amazingly simple function that once existed so BRING IT BACK.
Conan Matthews commented
If you view page thumbnails (you should be able to see this via the bar on the left of the Acrobat window...has an icon for thumbnails, bookmarks, and attachments) for the portfolio or binder, you should then be able to reorganize (i.e. drag & drop) the contents just like you would for a simpler pdf file with multiple pages.
Douglas commented
Tanvi commented in a post from May 28, 2019 that you could now sort files in a portfolio via drag and drop. I am using Acrobat Pro DC and drag and drop is not enabled. Will someone please share how to enable it?
Karin commented
I have the latest version of Acrobat DC and I cannot drag files into a folder within a Portfolio. What's up with that? I keep getting an error that the "file is not found".???
jerry B commented
Tanvi Rastogi says problem is solved. How so? I need to reorder portfolios.. If it is possible, then Tanvi should be more explicit and share the secret with us .
Anonymous commented
I put a folder by mistake within a folder I had created in Portofolio Adobe DC. Can you drag it out again? I can´t see how. Please help.
Anonymous commented
i HATE this version!!! HATE it!!!! Does not work for our purposes whatsoever!! I will use ANYTHING other than this.
Anonymous commented
I can't believe I cannot arrange or reorder my files in the portfolio manually.
Anonymous commented
This was posted in Feb 2019
Portfolio layouts
Under Review → Implemented
You can now drag and drop files to re-arrange them in a portfolio. You can also create a folder and add files in it via drag & drop in the latest version of Acrobat DC.
I will close this case. Please reopen another thread if you feel you issue still hasn’t been addressed.
Tanvi Rastogi
Admin, Adobe -
Daniel Zattera Sganzerla commented
Same problem here. Adobe XI provided this abbility with ease.
Anonymous commented
you are unable to drag and drop files into the portfolio causing extra work by having to select the files manually
Anonymous commented
Any guidance/help is greatly appreciated!
Anonymous commented
There doesn't seem to be a way to manually sort (drag & drop) files within a pdf portfolio. Why is this? It forces you to use the Sort pull down menu, which has narrow parameters (name, modified, order??, relationship.) it is not intuitive as with Excel that lets you right click and move or copy a sheet, or in a regular pdf that lets you drag and drop pages.
Debbie commented
I found the option to arrange the files when creating the Portfolio in Acrobat DC.
But can you change the order after you create the Portfolio, like in Acrobat XI? I found where you can sort in order, but not how you can change the order?
Anonymous commented
Have the ability to customize the sequence of files (PDF and non-PDF files) when creating a Acrobat Pro DC PDF portfolio.
This function is available in Acrobat 11