Acrobat crashes after transparency flattening
When first applying a hairline fix in Acrobat (all lines below 0,25 pt to 0,25 pt) and then flattening transparency in Acrobat using the transparency flattener, Acrobat crashes. I see the progress bar going to 100% and then Acrobat crashes without any error.
BUT... if I skip the hairline fix step, then Acrobat flattens the file without problems. So there must be something with the hairline fix that causes the transparency flattener to crash.
Using Acrobat Pro DC 2017.012.20098 on Mac.
Example files in attachment.
File ...WITH... crashes while flattening.
File ...WITHOUT... flattens fine.
We apologise for the issue you are facing. Yes, the crash is reproducible. We will investigate this and revert back.