"Content preparation progress" takes too long
Whenever opening pdf file, Acrobar Pro DC always shows a window titled as 'content preparation progress". This takes too long and blocks file content & makes hard to read file content.
Sometimes several minutes, sometimes forever!
This needs to be improved.

Vinay Yadav commented
Still an issue. Takes ages to 'content preparation progress' to complete.
Using: version 2020.013.20066
Can take minutes to complete and on my new Intel 12th gen i7 laptop so no idea why it takes minutes. Bit crazy...
Please fix and let us know which version it's fixed in. -
Jacek commented
Content preparation progress" takes too long
Scot Moore commented
I'm baffled how this is still an issue. The admin at the bottom of this thread suggested this was fixed in November of 2017. If my company took over 3 years to fix something AFTER they claimed it had been fixed, we'd be put out of business by regulators and litigators. Get your house in order, Adobe. Yeesh.
Derek commented
+1 Highly annoying. This process, if necessary, should happen faster and in the background.
Anselm Fabig commented
The solution is to do the following:
It can be turned off:
--> Edit
--> Preferences
--> Reading
--> Under Screen Reader Options check "Only read the currently visible pages" -
KC commented
I just started having this problem as well, even if it's just a simple 2 page PDF it can take several minutes for "content preparation progress".
Anonymous commented
There is no way to turn it off. All the solutions online are for older versions of Adobe and don't work for more than a few seconds (accessbility/reading). all useless.
Paul Pinder commented
I am trialling this product and it is too glitchy - you are getting £15 a month from me to be able to use PDF stuff but then the software is a pile of crud.
Using Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4
Architecture: x86_64
Build: 20.6.20042.371807
AGM: 4.30.98
CoolType: 5.14.5
JP2K: -
Anonymous commented
Please do not put this one on 'resolved', because there is an option to disable content preparation. You should fix the problem that content preparation takes ages (or just remove the whole thing in the first place)
Raimondas commented
I have same issue with Adobe DC 2019.021.20056 windows 10 Pro. Try to disable some options in preferences as per other forums recommendations but that does not help.
Anonymous commented
This just started showing up for me. I typically work in 100+ page documents - needs to be turned off. I saw a previous post about unchecking Accessability/enable. Doesn't work.
Version of Acrobat is 19.012.20036
Tyler commented
this is happening again... when will this be fixed.
b commented
Still happening. Incredibly annoying. Unless I have to edit the PDF I will now open them in CHROME because it doesn't mess me about.
lauren mcmahon commented
This just started on my Acrobat Pro DC; how can i turn it off?
i have been going through every possible preference and tool to make it go away.
I have to wait or click out of it - but there's no clear purpose to it at all, which adds to how maddening it is. i am working on version 2019.010.20069. Thanks for any instruction on how to eliminate this frustrating new bonus. -
Chris Erich commented
This is beyond ridiculous. I have used Acrobat Pro for years. NEVER had this problem until a week ago.
Anonymous commented
Same problem My release version is 2019 008 20080. You suggest it was fixed in November, I have continuous release and it should be up to date. How do I turn this nuisance off.
Carol Holmes Alpern commented
This started in the middle of a job today (October 11, 2018) at about 3:30pm (EDT). I have Continuous Release: Version 2019.008.20074
Make it stop!
This is an issue with our accessibility detection logic that was fixed in our November update. Can you please share the version of Acrobat Pro DC installed on your system?