shrink or resize the print dialog box, and make it scrollwheel responsive
Needless to say, I print a lot from Acrobat. It bugs me constantly that when the print dialog comes up, it's too big to fit entirely on the screen. The actual "print" button is off screen on the bottom, and requires scrolling down to be able to click it. That should not be the case. Even more annoying is the fact that the dialog itself, although it has a scroll bar, is not responsive to my scrollwheel mouse. It absolutely should be.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. We have recorded it as bug in our database.
Best Regards!
William Dang commented
i have the same problem. will there be a solution?
K Mac commented
I am having the same problem on my new laptop, using Acrobat Pro 17, Windows 10.
Don't have the problem on my work computer which is also Windows 10.
Please fix Mr Adobe!! -
Anonymous commented
Look how long ago this was "under review" and it's not fixed!
Anonymous commented
Just upgraded to Acrobat 2017 and am sooo sorry I did it!! This print dialog box problem is very irritating when you do a lot of printing!!!
Anonymous commented
Can not stand this... I print from adobe & now have to stop to scroll to bottom of page to print. FIX this already
P commented
It's now 2020 and this minor, pain in the neck issue still isn't resolved? HELLO?!?!
Pete commented
November 12, 2019: STILL NO UPDATE??? and STILL a pain in the neck.. Looking at comments below, it seems this "simple" issue has been outstanding for several YEARS. Come on Adobe, you make enough coin to fix these annoying issues...
Anonymous commented
Any resolutions to this? It's Sep 2019 now and there's no solutions??
Anonymous commented
this is still a problem in August of 2019
James Meredith commented
I have the same problem - Windows 10 with Acrobat Pro DC. I can see online posts going back to 2011 about this problem. (So, that's 8 years.)
Anonymous commented
This is almost August 2019. so what is the solution to the recorded bug?
Kinda crabby commented
Under consideration since 2018 doesn't impress me much. I have the same issue, irritating
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem, please help!
Greg commented
Hello. I have the same problem with Adobe Reader DC (2018.01120040). To address it, I selected "No Scale" for the Scale for Screen Resolution option under Edit/Preferences. It shrunk the dialog box, but also shrunk the text and icons to a very small size. Consequently, I changed the Scale for Screen Resolution option back to "Auto Detect". Any suggestions? Thanks!