Initial View Preferences for the creation of PDF
I want to set the "DEFAULT" for the initial view for all pdf documents that I create. I am sick and tired of setting the "initial views" for each and every PDF that I create. Please program a preference that automates the way to set a users preference for creating files with a preset initial view.

Thanks for sharing your feedback.
Your feature request is under review. We will keep you posted with its status.
Anonymous commented
Why does PDFMaker default to "Navigation tab:" Page Only and "Page layout:" Single Page continuous?
Adobe should default PDFMaker Page layout setting to Default. That way any user's Preference setting would function as the user wants.Or at least give the users the ability to change the Initial View setting in PDFMaker!
As it stands, having PDFMaker default to Sigle Page continuous is creating frustration among users.
Those who want to change the Initial View setting when the PDF is created and those who don't know the Initial View settings over-ride their personal preference.
Using the Batch option in Acrobat is a work around, not a fix.
As a user where our company generates hundreds of PDFs by many employees, I hate having to change the setting for every PDF. I can't change the master copy because we access the PDFs via our intranet. Since almost all of our PDFs are made with PDFMaker, the Initial View is Sigle Page continuous, which I personally hate. The Restore the last view settings isn't an option, because of compliance issues, we have to use the current published version, which I access from our intranet.
Please change the setting to Default or give users the ability to chande it.
Rhys Pippard commented
The Adobe PDFMaker Office COM Addin sets a newly created document's Initial View properties to Single Page Continuous by default. This is usually inappropriate and requires frequently changing via File > Properties > Initial View > Page Layout > Single Page. This repeatedly wastes significant time. To resolve this, the Addin should enable users to set their preferred Initial View properties for all newly created PDF documents. Please add this feature to the next edition of this Addin. Thanks
Anonymous commented
1. Brief title - Default Initial View,
2. Description of desired feature - After saving a word document ‘Save as Adobe pdf’ I like to have the pdf document default initial view in two page view, and not setting it later following the steps as Document Properties>Two-up(facing),
3. Why the feature is needed – I am not using the paper printer at all. Almost all the documents/drawings I prepared are two page documents and very convenient to have Two-up (facing) view.