Bug:problem displaying the attached pdf file
We have a problem displaying the attached pdf file.
When opeing the file, the error message shows up and it's unreadable.
"cannot find or create the font 'MS Mincho'.
Some characters may not display or print correctly"
Our setting:
*Protected pdf using owner password
*Fonts are not embedded
*When we opened encrypted binary registry(CIDSystemInfo Dictionaries),
the registry shown starts with 'FEFF' in Hex, otherwise registry
is decryped correctly.
*NG Versions
Windows 7 Pro (64bit)
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
2018.011.20038Windows10 Pro ver. 1703 (64bit)
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
2018.011.20038Windows 10 Pro ver. 1703 (64bit)
Adobe Acrobat DC
*OK Version(The problem does not occur in this version)
Windows 10 Pro ver. 1703 (64bit)
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro
We think 'regstry:adobe' is not decrypted correctly to 'Adobe' when
it is encryped the binary above.
Please show us how to solve the problem.
Thank you.

Hi Takuya,
I can’t find any attachments, can you please re-attach the PDF with which you are facing this issue.
Tomohiro Hayami commented
Hi Pratyush.
Thank you for the reply.
I have attached the files to re-posting.
https://acrobat.uservoice.com/forums/590923-acrobat-for-windows-and-mac/suggestions/33712645-bug-problem-displaying-the-attached-pdf-fileI would appreciate it very much if you could take a look at the new forum and attached files.