Language Translator
Increasingly throughout the internet there are files available which are not in our own language ☹ I remain baffled why an in-built translator has not been implemented to generate a translated document given the number of countries globally using Adobe today. In simple terms, we have computers to do this for us as I again find myself attempting the labourious task to convert line by line through an online translator. This says a lot for us as a technology society.
We’ve kept a note of this feature and we’ll prioritize it if we have more users asking for it.
Dahl Black commented
This needs to be system wide. All applications that want to be global should automatically set up to translate their material into the users language of choice (and user tested for the more dominant languages.) It would force those who document processes to develop explanations that are clearer than at present. The World Economic Forum has a Power Language Index for the 10 top languages. It should help prioritize your selection of translators or translation software.
Felipe Garcia commented
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