Tab order in Adobe Sign
I set up the proper tab order/work flow in my Acrobat form, and sent it to someone to fill out the fields and eSign. Adobe Sign completely re-ordered the tab order so that the flow didn't work well. The receiver had to keep using his mouse to get to the next field instead of just tabbing to it. The tab order should remain undisturbed when converting from Acrobat to Adobe Sign.

Peter de Vries commented
TAB order is very important for user friendliness of a form. This should be basic. Please fix this asap in Adobe Sign.
Kathryn Pulham commented
2024 - I have spent several hours working on a solution to this but nothing. Adobe don't have one either. Urgent fix which is pretty basic stuff!
Stephen Shockley commented
Has anyone come up with a solution for this? I'm not sure what to do with my form except to accept the order by rows that the form gives me.
Bob D commented
Same problem in 2022!
Denise Blank commented
has anything been done to correct this issue? I'm experiencing it in 2021, After taking so long to order and format fields correcty in Acrobat Pro it is frustrating as designer to lose the tab order, and frustrating for users for whom the form does not work as expected or ergonomically. I cannot find a way to re-order tab flow in Adobe Sign -- anyone found that?
Scott commented
Wow. So, uploading a PDF form created in Acrobat DC, with a specific tab order RESETS the tab order?? And if I'm right, there's no way to specify a tab order once the form has been uploaded as a template? If so, that's some serious oversight by the Adobe team... I'm disappointed... again.
Martin Sing commented
Agreed, Tab Order needs to persist. This is a fundamental UX issue.
Chris Beshore commented
Same here. Figured Adobe Sign would respect my tab order from Acrobat. No such luck. This is very important when you have a mulit-column form. Ethan says it perfectly.
Ethan Beyer commented
Just wanted to weigh in and say I'm experiencing the exact same thing.
Furthermore, if I send a file containing radio buttons with some options pre-selected, Adobe Sign changes the radio button that is selected, and there is zero rhyme or reason to it.
I've done everything I know to do to debug this, but it's just completely random. Is there no way to respect the tab order set within Acrobat AS DEFINED by the Adobe PDF Spec, within its own signing ecosystem?