2 steps to add check to comments - Build: 19.8.20071.303822
In previous versions of Acrobat I was able to Check a comment (typically once I had made an edit to my InDesign doc). By setting the filter to show unchecked comments only I was systematically able to go through a set of clients edits. In the new version of Acrobat you have removed the ability to just click to check a comment. I now have to open a drop down menu and select it. This is really annoying when you have a large document with over 100 comments (as I regularly do).
Please return the simple check box to the comments in Acrobat.

Anonymous commented
Yes please make it easier. I know it's now possible to import comments into Indesign directly, but the clients often do the comments wrong, so it's required to do it in Acrobat. And there the copying of text need to much clicks and the scrolling of the comments list is difficult. So I did the filters too and it's showing me just the unchecked comments. That's cool but it could be cooler if the first comment in the list will be automatically active (that I can check the checkbox directly) AND I can copy the text without double click (and without selecting the text) with the keyboard (cmd+c). Or maybe the text will automatically be copied when the first comment in the comment-list is active. Without doing anything I can paste it into InDesign!
Jennifer Lucas commented
This is a HUGE problem on our end because we work with PDFs with hundreds of comments as well, and the checkbox is a very useful tool to mark which edits you have completed, especially if you have to walk away from a project and come back to it. It appears that I can get the check boxes to show up when I am opening a PDF that was emailed to me and saved locally, but we have started using the "Send for review" feature in Acrobat, and the checkbox will not show up no matter what I do. There is no option to check when I right click, and even when I add checkbox using the menu, it still does not show up on the comments.
Adminmeaggarw (Admin, Adobe) commented
n the latest update of Acrobat DC, we have modernize the commenting experience and at the same time, made it very clean and intuitive to use. As part of that, the checkbox is moved to the right click menu of the comment.
Open comment>Right Click>Add Checkmark
Please also note that both the sort and filter options are available for the check mark.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and will consider adding the check mark by default for future updates of Acrobat DC.However there is one workaround to make the checkbox appear in one step. You can select all the comments that you want the checkbox to appear and use shortcut SHIFT + K to add a checkbox to multiple comments in one go.