Acrobat DC Pro crashes every time I open multiple PDFs
Acrobat DC recently started to crash every time I open two PDFs. It just closes all the windows without showing any error messages.
Uninstalling and reinstalling did not help. I assume this is associated with some recent update, since this bug started to appear in the last one month. Would anybody know how to fix this?

Sajit Viswan commented
It even happens with a single file.
Sajit Viswan commented
When opening a few files, it crashes. What is the exact sequence, I am not able to determine. There is only this and other messages. I wish Adobe had some reporting mechanism to capture the bug.
Anonymous commented
Disabling Use 2D Graphics Acceleration fixed my problem with Acrobat Pro 2017
Sweta commented
Thanks for reaching out to us. We are sorry for the inconvenience.In order to look into this issue please share the following details with us:
- What is the acrobat version you are using?
- Kindly share the details of the GPU.
- Please capture the Crash Logs.Steps for getting the Crash Logs:
a. When Acrobat Crashes, Open Windows Task Manager
b. Go to Processes, There you can see a process Acrobat.exe
c. Right Click on this process and click "Create Dump File"
d. Dump file will be created in the Temp folder of the user (as specified on the dialog you get after creating dump files).
e. Save this DMP file on any Cloud Storage and Share the link for that with usThanks,
Sweta Karn -
Shari Tork commented
Thank you so much! After spending an hour with tech support to no avail, this was the fix for my PC as well. JCP you're a gentleman and a scholar.
jcp commented
!! disabling "Use 2D graphics acceleration" fixed problem with Acrobat DC crashing when trying to open 2 PDFs ... worked for me 2020-10-28
Kevin Colwell commented
Holy smokes, that solved the issue for me as well. Thank you very much!
That knocks one major head-scratcher off of my list.
Thanks again.
Anonymous commented
Actually, I found a solution. Unchecking "Use 2D graphics acceleration" under Preference/Page Display/Rendering solved the issue. I found several people reporting the same issue/solution, so there must be some problem with this option.
Kevin Colwell commented
Does this bug happen to you when the window is not maximized? I am currently seeing a similar issue where it crashes every time multiple PDFs are opened. But it only happens when Acrobat is maximized and I open multiple files, or I attempt to maximize it while multiple files are already open.